The hotel is located on the central coast location . It is a well maintained hotel and has undergone major renovation and refurbishment. With its diverse income stream from bar, meal, gaming and accommodation, the hotel enjoys a strong steady income. For more information or to arrange an inspection of this well established hotel, please call Broadwalk Business Broker .
* Single bar Operation
* 7 Poker machines with 13 SIA
* Landsize 2136 m2
* weekly sales $29,400.00 and growing
* Currently there is 7 letting rooms with another 9 yet to be renovated
* Location Location Location ask our brokers about the location
Broadwalk Business Brokers specialists in the sale of hospitality properties right around Australia. We deal in everything from small B&B’s, guest houses and farm stays, though to caravan parks, motels and resorts and general businesses. If you’d like more information on this property, or would like to view other similar ones, please visit our websites
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